Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Next To You Justin Bieber ft. Chris Brown

Lagu ni best sangat, aku suka sangat! Best tau! Ouhh, JB! <3 :') :*

  • [Chris Brown]
    You’ve got that smile,
    That only heaven can make.
    I pray to God everyday,
    That you keep that smile.

    [Justin Bieber]
    Yeah, you are my dream,
    There’s not a thing I won’t do.
    I'd give my life up for you,
    'Cause you are my dream.

    And baby, everything that I have is yours,
    You will never go cold or hungry.
    I’ll be there when you’re insecure,
    Let you know that you’re always lovely.
    Girl, 'cause you are the only thing that I got right now.

    One day when the sky is falling,
    I’ll be standing right next to you,
    Right next to you.
    Nothing will ever come between us,
    I’ll be standing right next to you,
    Right next to you.

    [Chris Brown]
    If you had my child,
    You would make my life complete.
    Just to have your eyes on a little me,
    That’d be mine forever.

    [Justin Bieber]
    That’d be mine forever.

    And baby, everything that I have is yours
    You will never go cold or hungry
    I’ll be there when you’re insecure
    Let you know that you’re always lovely
    Girl, 'cause you are the only thing that I got right now

    One day when the sky is falling,
    I’ll be standing right next to you,
    Right next to you.
    Nothing will ever come between us,
    I’ll be standing right next to you,
    Right next to you.

    We’re made for one another
    Me and you
    And I have no fear
    I know we’ll make it through

    One day when the sky is falling
    I’ll be standing right next to you
    Ohh ohh ohh ohhhhh

    One day when the sky is falling,
    I’ll be standing right next to you,
    Right next to you.
    Nothing will ever come between us,
    I’ll be standing right next to you,
    Right next to you.

    Oh nah nah
    Oh yeah
    Stand by my side
    When the sky falls
    Oh baby
    I’ll be there

    You’ve got that smile,
    That only heaven can make.
    I pray to God everyday,
    To keep you forever.

Yahooo! ;D

Alhamdulillah, selesai sudah ujian kemajuan kali ke-2. Bolehla fokuskan ibadah Puasa dan Raya. Hehe. Lately ni kann, otak aku asyik fikir pasal raya je tau! Baju raya la, kuih raya la, balik kg masa raya la. Ish ish. Parah betul kann? Tak sabar-sabar nak raya, tapi baju raya pun takde lagi. Hmmm, nasib badan betul la kann? Huwaaa~ sedihnya rasa. Harini hari ke 18 puasa. Harini jugak hari jadi best friend aku, Nur Azimah Abd Halim. Miss giler dekat dia. Dia belajar dekat asrama, so terpisahla kitorang. Ermm, rindu gilegile la dekat dia. Tadi kan, Ya Allah, malu gile dekat sekolah tadi. Kena bahan masa tengah ujian tuu. Haiyaa. Semua ni disebabkan ada abg form 5 ni, mereng sikit. Hadoii, malumalu. Selamba dekk je pergi dekat kelas aku padahal cikgu ada je dekat dalam kelas tu. Errr, memang senget la dia tu! Mintak no. la, kenapa sombong la. Eeeee, tolonglaaaa. Err, disebabkan dia aku kena bahan dgn budak lelaki. -..- *mata

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Macam mana nih? :O

Erm, agk lama aku tak meng-update blogku ni. Almaklum, busy. hehe *la sgt en? Harini masuk hari ke-enam umat Islam berpuasa. Alhamdulillah, tak tinggal lagi. Yeahh! Haha. :D Petang tadi pergi beli barang dekat Tesco, erm, penat la jugak. Balik singgah kejap bazaar dekat Stadium Malawati tu. Fuhhh! Macam-macam adaa. Tergugat iman, huhu. Tengah jalan-jalan menikmati pemandangan dan bauan makanan yang enak-enak belaka, ternampak pulak abang Achoe Raja Lawak. Orangnya comel dan ''Kecik'' mcm nama kumpulan dia. Sesuai laa~ Haha. Harga makanan dekat sana, erm, boleh tahanlaa, ala standard la, Shah Alam kann? Tempat orang-orang berada la dikatakann. Erm, ni ha, nak cite sikit, risau la. Bukan apa, orang bulan puasa makin slim, tapi aku, aku rasa makin naik pulak badan aku nih. Haihh, mintak mintak tak la yee? Tak mao laa, nanti susah nak cari baju raya nanti. Huhu. Tak boleh ouh nak kawal makan, semua nampak sodapp je. Hehe. Lapar mata la dikatakan. Selagi boleh, mesti sumbat. Haishhh, bahaya, bahaya. Harap-harap la tak naik. Aminnn~ ;(